Couple’s League


Payment Deadline for Gift Card: April 21st
League Cost: $852 per couple
League Length: 13 Weeks

Prepay Policy:

The 2025 season will be 13 weeks long. This league starts June 5th and goes through September 5th.  The league member rate will be $852 per couple.  The cart fee will be included for both Legacy and the Sweet 9 and players can walk the Sweet 9 if they choose to. League card punches are not valid in the restaurant.

All payments must be made on our website, by April 21st to receive a $25 gift card that can be used for the golf shop, greens fees, and the Legacy Restaurant. For the 2025 golf season, we will forgo the service charge for online payments. If you are accustomed to paying with cash or check please contact Krisanne, Kevin, or Ben to make those arrangements.

League Membership Cards:
Each league member will receive a league member card reflecting 16 rounds valued at $31.25 per punch. The starter will punch the card and check the member’s name off the roster weekly. This eliminates dealing with a receipt which makes checking in with the starter more fluid. Once the card has been used, rounds need to be purchased in the golf shop and at that time a receipt will need to be provided to the starter for check-in.

If we see players showing on a regular weekly basis that did not prepay, a prorated fee will apply and be charged to that player accordingly. We understand that from time to time there will be guests but it isn’t fair to 300 plus members who pay in full for their greens to have certain guests take advantage of the guest policy and pay as they go for the majority of the season.

Any substitutes or guests must pay for their greens fees to play with the league that evening. We reserve the right to deny individuals to play with the league if we see the policy being abused. League punches expire for golf 12/31/25 but never expire for merchandise in the shop.

Please note: This payment option is for current league members. Looking to join a league or form a league? Call golf shop at (440) 933-9001

23 in stock